
class vreg.Volume3D(values: ndarray, affine: ndarray)[source]#

A spatially aware numpy array

  • values (np.ndarray) – 2D or 3D numpy array with values

  • affine (np.ndarray) – 4x4 numpy array with the affine matrix of the value array. If not provided, the identity is assumed. Defaults to None.


add(v, *args, **kwargs)

Add another volume

bounding_box([mask, margin])

Return the bounding box


Center of mass.


Return a copy

distance(target, transform, params[, ...])

Distance to a target volume after a transform


Extract a slice at index z

find_rotate_to(target[, rotation, metric, ...])

Find the rigid transform to a static target volume.

find_transform_rigid_to(target[, params, ...])

Find the rigid transform to a static target volume.

find_transform_to(target, transform[, ...])

Coregister a volume to a static target volume.

find_translate_to(target[, translation, ...])

Find the translation to a static target volume.

resample([spacing, stretch])

Resample volume to new pixel spacing

reslice([affine, orient, rotation, center, ...])

Reslice the volume.

rotate(rotation[, center, values, reshape, ...])

Rotate the volume.

rotate_to(target, rotation[, center, coords])

Apply a rotation and reslice the result to the geometry of a target volume.


Slice the volume to the geometry of another volume

split([n, axis, gap])

Split a volume into slices (2D volumes)

stretch(stretch[, values, reshape])

Stretch the volume.

stretch_to(target, stretch)

Stretch and reslice to the geometry of a target volume.

subtract(v, *args, **kwargs)

Subtract another volume

transform(transform, params, **kwargs)

Transform a volume

transform_affine(params[, center, values, ...])

Apply an affine transformation.

transform_affine_to(target, params[, ...])

Apply an affine transformation and reslice the result to the geometry of a target volume.

transform_rigid(params[, values, reshape, ...])

Apply a rigid transformation.

transform_rigid_to(target, params[, center, ...])

Apply a rigid transformation and reslice the result to the geometry of a target volume.

transform_to(target, transform, params, **kwargs)

Transform a volume to a target volume

translate(translation[, values, reshape, ...])

Translate the volume.

translate_to(target, translation[, coords, dir])

Apply a translation and reslice the result to the geometry of a target volume.
