- Volume3D.find_rotate_to(target, rotation=None, metric=None, optimizer=None, resolutions=None, mask=None, target_mask=None, center=None, coords='fixed')[source]#
Find the rigid transform to a static target volume.
- Parameters:
target (vreg.Volume3D) – Fixed target volume for the coregistration.
rotation (array-like) – 3-element rotation vector.
metric (func, optional) – Metric to quantify goodness of alignment. Options are ‘mi’ (mutual information), ‘sos’ (sum of squares), and ‘migrad’ (mutual information of the image gradient). Default is ‘mi’.
optimizer (dict, optional) – Optimizer as a dictionary with one key method specifying the method used for optimization. The other items in the dictionary are any optional keywords accepted by the method. Defaults to {‘method’:’LS’}.
resolutions (list, optional) – Resolutions to use in the optimization. Defaults to [1].
mask (Volume3D, optional) – volume used for masking the moving volume. Defaults to None.
target_mask (Volume3D, optional) – volume used for masking the static volume. Defaults to None.
center (str or array-like) – center of rotation. If this has value ‘com’, the rotation is performed around the center of mass. Alternatively this can be a 3-element vector. Defaults to None (center = origin).
coords (str or array, optional) – Reference frame for the coordinates of the translation, rotation and center vector, as a 4x4 affine array. String options are shorthand notations: ‘fixed’ (patient reference frame), and ‘volume’ (volume reference frame). Defaults to ‘fixed’.
- Returns:
The optimal values for the transformaton parameters.
- Return type: