- mdreg.elastix.coreg(moving: ndarray, fixed: ndarray, spacing=1.0, downsample=1, log=False, method='bspline', **params)[source]#
Coregister two arrays
- Parameters:
moving (numpy.ndarray) – The moving image with dimensions (x,y) or (x,y,z).
fixed (numpy.ndarray) – The fixed target image with the same shape as the moving image.
spacing (array-like) – Pixel spacing in mm. This can be a single scalar if all dimensions are equal, or an array of 2 elements (for 2D data) or 3 elements ( for 3D data). Defaults to 1.
downsample (float) – Speed up the registration by downsampling the images with this factor. downsample=1 means no downsampling. This is the default.
log (bool) – Print a log during computations. Defaults to False.
method (str) – Deformation method to use. Options are ‘bspline’, ‘affine’, ‘rigid’ or ‘translation’. Default is ‘bspline’.
params (dict) – Use keyword arguments to overrule any of the default parameters in the elastix template for the chosen method.
- Returns:
coreg (numpy.ndarray) – Coregistered image in the same shape as the moving image.
deformation (numpy.ndarray) – Deformation field in the same shape as the moving image - but with an additional dimension at the end for the components of the deformation vector.