- dbdicom.dro.ellipsoid(a, b, c, spacing=(1.0, 1.0, 1.0), levelset=False) Series [source]#
Generates ellipsoid with semimajor axes aligned with grid dimensions on grid with specified
.- Parameters:
a (float) – Length of semimajor axis aligned with x-axis.
b (float) – Length of semimajor axis aligned with y-axis.
c (float) – Length of semimajor axis aligned with z-axis.
spacing (tuple of floats, length 3) – Spacing in (x, y, z) spatial dimensions. Defaults to (1,1,1)
levelset (bool) – If True, returns the level set for this ellipsoid (signed level set about zero, with positive denoting interior) as np.float64. False returns a binarized version of said level set. Defaults to False.
- Returns:
A series with appropriate array and header data.
- Return type:
The interface and the array generation is taken directly from skimage but the core function is copied into dbdicom utilities to avoid bringing in skimage as an essential dependency.