Source code for dbdicom.extensions.dipy

import numpy as np
from dipy.align.imwarp import SymmetricDiffeomorphicRegistration
from dipy.align.metrics import CCMetric, EMMetric, SSDMetric
from dipy.align.imaffine import MutualInformationMetric, AffineRegistration, transform_centers_of_mass
from dipy.align.transforms import (
    TranslationTransform2D, RigidTransform2D, AffineTransform2D,
    TranslationTransform3D, RigidTransform3D, AffineTransform3D)
from dipy.align import center_of_mass
from dipy.align.vector_fields import (

from dipy.segment.mask import median_otsu as median_otsu_np
import dbdicom.extensions.vreg as vreg

[docs] def median_otsu(series, **kwargs): # Get arrays for fixed and moving series array, headers = series.array('SliceLocation', pixels_first=True) # Apply Otsu mask = np.empty(array.shape) cnt=0 for z in range(array.shape[2]): for k in range(array.shape[3]): cnt+=1 series.status.progress(cnt, array.shape[2]*array.shape[3], 'Applying Otsu segmentation..') image = np.squeeze(array[:,:,z,k]) array[:,:,z,k], mask[:,:,z,k] = median_otsu_np(image, **kwargs) # Create new series masked_series = series.new_sibling(suffix='masked') otsu_mask = series.new_sibling(suffix ='otsu mask') # Set values and return masked_series.set_array(array, headers, pixels_first=True) otsu_mask.set_array(mask, headers, pixels_first=True) return masked_series, otsu_mask
[docs] def align_center_of_mass_3d(moving, fixed): # Get arrays for fixed and moving series array_moving, headers_moving = moving.array(sortby='SliceLocation', pixels_first=True, first_volume=True) array_fixed = vreg.array(fixed, on=moving, sortby='SliceLocation', pixels_first=True, first_volume=True) # Coregister fixed and moving slice-by-slice identity = np.eye(4) array_moving, _ = center_of_mass(array_moving, array_fixed, static_affine=identity, moving_affine=identity) # Create new series moved = moving.new_sibling(suffix='aligned') moved.set_array(array_moving, headers_moving, pixels_first=True) return moved
[docs] def coregister_translation_3d(moving, fixed): # Get arrays for fixed and moving series array_moving, headers_moving = moving.array(sortby='SliceLocation', pixels_first=True, first_volume=True) array_fixed = vreg.array(fixed, on=moving, sortby='SliceLocation', pixels_first=True, first_volume=True) # Set up coregistration metric = MutualInformationMetric(nbins=32, sampling_proportion=None,) affreg = AffineRegistration( metric = metric, level_iters = [10000, 1000, 100], sigmas = [3.0, 1.0, 0.0], factors = [4, 2, 1], ) transform = TranslationTransform3D() params0 = None # Perform coregistration moving.message('Performing coregistration..') mapping = affreg.optimize(array_fixed, array_moving, transform, params0) coregistered = mapping.transform(array_moving, 'linear') # Save as DICOM coreg = moving.new_sibling(suffix='translated') coreg.set_array(coregistered, headers_moving, pixels_first=True) return coreg
[docs] def coregister_rigid_3d(moving, fixed): # Get arrays for fixed and moving series array_moving, headers_moving = moving.array(sortby='SliceLocation', pixels_first=True, first_volume=True) array_fixed = vreg.array(fixed, on=moving, sortby='SliceLocation', pixels_first=True, first_volume=True) # Setup coregistration metric = MutualInformationMetric(nbins=32, sampling_proportion=None) affreg = AffineRegistration( metric = metric, level_iters = [10000, 1000, 100], sigmas = [3.0, 1.0, 0.0], factors = [4, 2, 1], ) transform = RigidTransform3D() params0 = None # Perform coregistration moving.message('Performing coregistration..') mapping = affreg.optimize(array_fixed, array_moving, transform, params0) coregistered = mapping.transform(array_moving, 'linear') # Save as DICOM coreg = moving.new_sibling(suffix='rigid transform') coreg.set_array(coregistered, headers_moving, pixels_first=True) return coreg
[docs] def coregister_affine_3d(moving, fixed): # Get arrays for fixed and moving series array_moving, headers_moving = moving.array(sortby='SliceLocation', pixels_first=True, first_volume=True) array_fixed = vreg.array(fixed, on=moving, sortby='SliceLocation', pixels_first=True, first_volume=True) # Setup coregistration metric = MutualInformationMetric(nbins=32, sampling_proportion=None) affreg = AffineRegistration( metric = metric, level_iters = [10000, 1000, 100], sigmas = [3.0, 1.0, 0.0], factors = [4, 2, 1], ) transform = AffineTransform3D() params0 = None # Perform coregistration moving.message('Performing coregistration..') mapping = affreg.optimize(array_fixed, array_moving, transform, params0) coregistered = mapping.transform(array_moving, 'linear') # Save as DICOM coreg = moving.new_sibling(suffix='rigid transform') coreg.set_array(coregistered, headers_moving, pixels_first=True) return coreg
[docs] def coregister_deformable_3d(moving, fixed, **kwargs): # Get arrays for fixed and moving series array_moving, headers_moving = moving.array(sortby='SliceLocation', pixels_first=True, first_volume=True) array_fixed = vreg.array(fixed, on=moving, sortby='SliceLocation', pixels_first=True, first_volume=True) # Perform coregistration moving.status.message('Performing coregistration..') array_moving, deformation = _coregister_arrays(array_fixed, array_moving, **kwargs) # Create new series coreg = moving.new_sibling(suffix='registered') deform = moving.new_sibling(suffix='deformation field') # Set arrays coreg.set_array(array_moving, headers_moving, pixels_first=True) for dim in range(deformation.shape[-1]): deform.set_array(deformation[...,dim], headers_moving, pixels_first=True) # Return coregistered images and deformation field return coreg, deform
[docs] def align_center_of_mass_2d(moving, fixed): # Get arrays for fixed and moving series zaxis = 'SliceLocation' array_moving = moving.pixel_values(zaxis) array_fixed = vreg.pixel_values(fixed, zaxis, on=moving) # Coregister fixed and moving slice-by-slice id = np.eye(3) for z in range(array_moving.shape[2]): moving.progress(z+1, array_moving.shape[2], 'Performing coregistration..') c_of_mass = transform_centers_of_mass(array_fixed[:,:,z], id, array_moving[:,:,z], id) array_moving[:,:,z] = c_of_mass.transform(array_moving[:,:,z]) # Save as DICOM (new API) coreg = moving.copy(SeriesDescription=moving.SeriesDescription + ' [coreg]') coreg.set_pixel_values(array_moving, coords=moving.coords(zaxis)) return coreg
[docs] def coregister_translation_2d(moving, fixed): # # Get arrays for fixed and moving series (old API) # array_moving, headers_moving = moving.array(sortby='SliceLocation', pixels_first=True, first_volume=True) # array_fixed = vreg.array(fixed, on=moving, sortby='SliceLocation', pixels_first=True, first_volume=True) # Get arrays for fixed and moving series (new API) #zaxis = ('SliceLocation',) zaxis = 'SliceLocation' array_moving = moving.pixel_values(zaxis) array_fixed = vreg.pixel_values(fixed, zaxis, on=moving) # Set up coregistration metric = MutualInformationMetric(nbins=32, sampling_proportion=None) affreg = AffineRegistration( metric = metric, level_iters = [10000, 1000, 100], sigmas = [3.0, 1.0, 0.0], factors = [4, 2, 1], ) transform = TranslationTransform2D() # Coregister fixed and moving slice-by-slice for z in range(array_moving.shape[2]): moving.progress(z+1, array_moving.shape[2], 'Performing coregistration..') # Coregister slice params0 = None mapping = affreg.optimize(array_fixed[:,:,z], array_moving[:,:,z], transform, params0) array_moving[:,:,z] = mapping.transform(array_moving[:,:,z], 'linear') # # Save as DICOM (old API) # coreg = moving.new_sibling(suffix= 'registered') # coreg.set_array(array_moving, headers_moving, pixels_first=True) # Save as DICOM (new API) coreg = moving.copy(SeriesDescription=moving.SeriesDescription + ' [coreg]') coreg.set_pixel_values(array_moving, coords=moving.coords(zaxis)) return coreg
[docs] def coregister_rigid_2d(moving, fixed): # Get arrays for fixed and moving series array_moving, headers_moving = moving.array(sortby='SliceLocation', pixels_first=True, first_volume=True) array_fixed = vreg.array(fixed, on=moving, sortby='SliceLocation', pixels_first=True, first_volume=True) # Set up coregistration metric = MutualInformationMetric(nbins=32, sampling_proportion=None) affreg = AffineRegistration( metric = metric, level_iters = [10000, 1000, 100], sigmas = [3.0, 1.0, 0.0], factors = [4, 2, 1], ) transform = RigidTransform2D() # Coregister fixed and moving slice-by-slice for z in range(array_moving.shape[2]): moving.status.progress(z+1, array_moving.shape[2], 'Performing coregistration..') # Coregister slice params0 = None mapping = affreg.optimize(array_fixed[:,:,z], array_moving[:,:,z], transform, params0) array_moving[:,:,z] = mapping.transform(array_moving[:,:,z], 'linear') # Save as DICOM coreg = moving.new_sibling(suffix= 'registered') coreg.set_array(array_moving, headers_moving, pixels_first=True) return coreg
[docs] def coregister_affine_2d(moving, fixed): # Get arrays for fixed and moving series array_moving, headers_moving = moving.array(sortby='SliceLocation', pixels_first=True, first_volume=True) array_fixed = vreg.array(fixed, on=moving, sortby='SliceLocation', pixels_first=True, first_volume=True) # Set up coregistration metric = MutualInformationMetric(nbins=32, sampling_proportion=None) affreg = AffineRegistration( metric = metric, level_iters = [10000, 1000, 100], sigmas = [3.0, 1.0, 0.0], factors = [4, 2, 1], ) transform = AffineTransform2D() # Coregister fixed and moving slice-by-slice for z in range(array_moving.shape[2]): moving.status.progress(z+1, array_moving.shape[2], 'Performing coregistration..') # Coregister slice params0 = None mapping = affreg.optimize(array_fixed[:,:,z], array_moving[:,:,z], transform, params0) array_moving[:,:,z] =mapping.transform(array_moving[:,:,z], 'linear') # Save as DICOM coreg = moving.new_sibling(suffix= 'registered') coreg.set_array(array_moving, headers_moving, pixels_first=True) return coreg
[docs] def coregister_deformable_2d(moving, fixed, **kwargs): # Get arrays for fixed and moving series array_moving, headers_moving = moving.array(sortby='SliceLocation', pixels_first=True, first_volume=True) array_fixed = vreg.array(fixed, on=moving, sortby='SliceLocation', pixels_first=True, first_volume=True) # Coregister fixed and moving slice-by-slice deformation = np.empty(array_moving.shape + (2,)) for z in range(array_moving.shape[2]): moving.status.progress(z+1, array_moving.shape[2], 'Performing coregistration..') coreg, deform = _coregister_arrays(array_fixed[:,:,z], array_moving[:,:,z], **kwargs) array_moving[:,:,z] = coreg deformation[:,:,z,:] = deform # Create new series coreg = moving.new_sibling(suffix= 'registered') deform = moving.new_sibling(suffix='deformation field') # Set values & return coreg.set_array(array_moving, headers_moving, pixels_first=True) for dim in range(deformation.shape[-1]): deform.set_array(deformation[...,dim], headers_moving, pixels_first=True) return coreg, deform
[docs] def invert_deformation_field(deformation_field, **kwargs): # Get array array, headers = deformation_field.array('SliceLocation', pixels_first=True) # Invert array = _invert_deformation_field_array(array, deformation_field.status, **kwargs) # Create new series inv = deformation_field.new_sibling(suffix='inverse') inv.set_array(array, headers, pixels_first=True) return inv
[docs] def warp(image, deformation_field, **kwargs): # Get arrays array, headers = image.array('SliceLocation', pixels_first=True, first_volume=True) array_deform = vreg.array(deformation_field, on=image, sortby='SliceLocation', pixels_first=True) # Perform warping array = _warp_array(array, array_deform, image.status, **kwargs) # Create new series warped = image.new_sibling(suffix='warped') warped.set_array(array, headers, pixels_first=True) return warped
### ARRAY functions def _invert_deformation_field_array(array, status, max_iter=10, tolerance=0.1): status.message('Inverting deformation field..') dim = array.shape[-1] d_world2grid = np.eye(dim+1) spacing = np.ones(dim) if dim==3: return invert_vector_field_fixed_point_3d(array, d_world2grid, spacing, max_iter, tolerance) elif dim==2: nslices = array.shape[2] for z in range(nslices): status.progress(z+1, nslices, 'Inverting deformation field..') array[:,:,z] = invert_vector_field_fixed_point_2d(array[:,:,z], d_world2grid, spacing, max_iter, tolerance) return array else: msg = 'This series is not a deformation field.' msg += 'A deformation field must have either 2 or 3 components.' raise ValueError(msg) def _warp_array(array, deform, status, interpolate=True): status.message('Warping array..') dim = deform.shape[-1] if dim==3: if interpolate: return warp_3d(array, deform) else: return warp_3d_nn(array, deform) elif dim==2: nslices = deform.shape[2] for z in range(nslices): status.progress(z+1, nslices, 'Warping array..') if interpolate: array[:,:,z] = warp_2d(array[:,:,z], deform[:,:,z,:]) else: array[:,:,z] = warp_2d_nn(array[:,:,z], deform[:,:,z,:]) return array else: msg = 'This series is not a deformation field.' msg += 'A deformation field must have either 2 or 3 components.' raise ValueError(msg) def _coregister_arrays(fixed, moving, transformation='Symmetric Diffeomorphic', metric="Cross-Correlation"): """ Coregister two arrays and return coregistered + deformation field """ dim = fixed.ndim # 3D registration does not seem to work with smaller slabs # Exclude this case if dim == 3: if fixed.shape[-1] < 6: msg = 'The 3D volume does not have enough slices for 3D registration. \n' msg += 'Try 2D registration instead.' raise ValueError(msg) # Define the metric if metric == "Cross-Correlation": sigma_diff = 3.0 # Gaussian Kernel radius = 4 # Window for local CC metric = CCMetric(dim, sigma_diff, radius) elif metric == 'Expectation-Maximization': metric = EMMetric(dim, smooth=1.0) elif metric == 'Sum of Squared Differences': metric = SSDMetric(dim, smooth=4.0) else: msg = 'The metric ' + metric + ' is currently not implemented.' raise ValueError(msg) # Define the deformation model if transformation == 'Symmetric Diffeomorphic': level_iters = [200, 100, 50, 25] sdr = SymmetricDiffeomorphicRegistration(metric, level_iters, inv_iter=50) else: msg = 'The transform ' + transformation + ' is currently not implemented.' raise ValueError(msg) # Perform the optimization, return a DiffeomorphicMap object mapping = sdr.optimize(fixed, moving) # Get forward deformation field deformation_field = mapping.get_forward_field() # Warp the moving image warped_moving = mapping.transform(moving, 'linear') return warped_moving, deformation_field